Please fill out the form below with all the required information and a description of the problem you want us to fix.
Hit the Submit button and we’ll get in touch with you asap.
Mercedes-Benz and Sprinter Specialists. (And we <3 your Smart as well.)
210 Dekalb Industrial Way, Decatur, GA 30030
phone: 404 292 2683,
e-mail: info@revolutionbenz.com
Open Monday - Friday - 8 AM - 5:30 PM
Closed Tuesday noon - 1 PM (lunch)
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
We are open during the CoVId crisis and we can take care of your Mercedes without you having to be in direct contact with anyone of our team. You simply drop off your car and your keys and we will contact you when your—clean—car is ready for pick-up in our parking lot.
All rights ©2020 Revolution
This site was made for Revolution by carrot+stick brandbuilders in Decatur
The basic images of the Sprinter Van we use in our marketing are by Zlatko Plamenov from Freepik.com
All additional renderings, illustrations and designs of the vans are by carrot+stick
Portrait photography on the site by djaren photography